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About WPEL

Working Papers in Educational Linguistics (WPEL) is a student managed journal that presents work primarily by students and faculty within the University of Pennsylvania community. WPEL's focus is on research specifically related to areas of educational linguistics, including language in relation to discourse and interaction (e.g., discourse analysis, conversation analysis, multimodality), learning and development (e.g., bi(multi)lingualism, new literacies, second language development), politics and power (e.g., dis/ability studies, language ideologies, raciolinguistic genealogy), culture and identity (e.g., gender, sociolinguistics, translanguaging), pedagogy and assessment (e.g., instructed second language learning, technology-assisted language learning, validity in language testing). WPEL is abstracted in LLBA and ERIC databases. WPEL also welcomes exchange and collaboration with other working papers.


Working Papers in Educational Linguistics

Educational Linguistics Division

Graduate School of Education

3700 Walnut Street 

Philadelphia, PA 19104-6216 
