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Volume 8, Number 2, Fall 1992

Editors: Fred Chen, Cheryl Donelly, Irma Ritter & Rita Silver

Addressing contextual issue relevant to language teaching in South Africa: Implications for policy and practice   (PDF)

Keith Chick

A comparative study of compliment responses of female Koreans in Korean-speaking situations and in English-speaking situations   (PDF)

Chung-hye Han

Can you apologize me? An investigation of speech act performance among non-native speakers of English   (PDF)

Julian Linnell, Felicia Lincoln Porter, Holly Stone, and Wan-Lai Chen

Acquisition policy planning and litigation: Language planning in the context of Y.S. v. School District of Philadelphia   (PDF)

Ellen Skilton

"The proper way to pray": Description of a Korean-American youth service prayer   (PDF)

Holly Stone

Language status policy planning in Puerto Rico: Nonlinguistic aims as central rather than extra   (PDF)

Helen Strauch